It is vital for the service organizations to maintain an equilibrium between the desired and adequate service levels for ensuring a sustainable business. It can be achieved in the following ways:
1. Demonstrating Fair Play: Service organizations focus on demonstrating fair play through special efforts so as to widen the tolerance zone of the customers.
This tolerance zone can be more widened by implanting the thought in the mind of the customers that the service organisation is trying to be fair at all times.
This trust can be strengthened by facilitating open and regular two-way communication.
2. Being Reliable: The customers’ expectation level rises when the service promise is not kept by the service organization.
Inadequate or unsatisfactory services lead to narrowing of the customers’ toleration level; and their desired and expected services level rise for the recovery services.
3. Managing Promises: A primary way to manage the expectations is to keep up the promises.
The organizations can attain more success in fulfilling the customers’ demands when their services match with the promise, instead of being just an ideal picture of the same. It is vital not to under-promise or over-promise.
4. Leveraging the Process Dimensions: Those organizations which are looking for going beyond the expectations of the customers for enhancing their market image should spend on service delivery for attaining it.
It is important to leverage the process dimensions in case service delivery is not successful. Leveraging on the process dimension includes a number of activities that help in improving the abilities of the service employees for ensuring efficient services.
5. Building Relationships: Customers should get the services as and when needed. The service organizations should be actively involved in communicating with the customers.
The service organizations as well as the customers should initiate such communications. It is vital for service providers to find ways to efficiently offering customized solutions for the customer’s specific requirements.
Along with the ability to provide customized service to the customers, there should also be a willingness on the company’s side.