In “Father’s Help,” a short story by R.K. Narayan, we follow the life of a young boy named Swami. Swami is a mischievous and lovable character who lives in the fictional town of Malgudi. Although the story revolves around Swami, Samuel is mentioned as one of his classmates. However, the story does not provide a detailed physical description of Samuel.
It is important to note that the primary focus of R.K. Narayan’s story is on the events and interactions between characters rather than their physical appearances. In “Father’s Help,” Swami’s experiences with his father, teacher, and classmates provide insight into his character and the broader themes of the story, such as the challenges of growing up and the complexities of human relationships.
In conclusion, while Samuel is a character in R.K. Narayan’s “Father’s Help,” there is no explicit description of his appearance in the given context. The story focuses on the experiences and interactions of Swami, highlighting the various aspects of life in the town of Malgudi.