Performance mapping tools are as follows:
1. Performance Matrix
The performance matrix exists to serve individuals and organizations in tapping into that potential to maximize their effectiveness and realize their full potential.
Performance metrics are the performance indicators that organizations use to determine how they are doing.
While the specific metrics vary from organization to organization and from level to level within an organization, the broad metrics are usually similar and include various cost, quality, and delivery performance measures.
Unfortunately, metrics such as these are often not well-understood below the senior management level.
In too many organizations, supervisors and other employees do not understand how to interpret these data or how their individual performance contributes to the bottom line.
This is unacceptable in a visual management organization, where the metrics are posted for all to see, and everyone is trained to the top line.
This is unacceptable in a visual management organization, where the metrics are posted for all to see and everyone is trained to understand and use them.
The more the rewards are linked to the metrics at the team level, the more people will pay attention to the metrics, and the more they will focus their energy on achieving the organization’s goals.
Therefore, we must not only teach the metrics but also ensure that people understand the reward system.
This system must be visible, and data related to it must be updated as frequently as possible so that employees get real-time information that they can use.
The link between metrics and rewards should be reinforced through training, discussion, and other means so that employees cannot ignore the performance-reward link. This link helps them to focus on the organization and its goals.
2. Performance Chart
Performance charts are used to present the data regarding the performance of employees graphically.
Managers, after determining the level of performance (high, medium, low) and potential (high, medium, low), can easily map employee performance on a chart as shown in the figure given below.
It is important to note that this mapping process is not only on an individual basis but also compared to other employees that fit in the same level or group (e.g., reviewing the product management team).
As such, organizations cannot just have high performers and high-potential employees. As a rule of thumb, managers should have a 25/50/25 split on both axes.
Of course, there are always exceptions, so managers just need to use their own judgment.
Once this mapping is done, managers can determine how they want to treat each individual. Employees that are in quadrants 1, 2, and 4 need to be rewarded (bonuses, promotions, increased responsibilities).
Staff located in quadrants 3, 5, and 8 needs to be reviewed in getting them to either better perform (assess what prevents better performance) or how to handle high-performers with low potential.
Depending on their role, managers need to assess if these individuals can continue to perform, especially if the challenge arises in the future (and making them at that point mid-low performers).
Lastly, people in quadrants 6, 7, and 9 can be problematic. Thus, this tool helps the managers to identify whether or not low-performing/low-potential employees are at the right place, what is preventing them from performing, why they have such a low potential, etc.