
    Human Resources (HR)

    Process of PMS Implementation

    The process of implementation of PMS consists of the following steps, which are also depicted in the figure given below. 1. Communication Plan Generally, employee satisfaction...

    Concept of Implementing Performance Management System

    Performance Management System (PMS) is the soul of any process designed for “people management.” Organizations exist to perform. If individuals manning the organization do not...

    Performance Mapping Tools

    Performance mapping tools are as follows: 1. Performance Matrix The performance matrix exists to serve individuals and organizations in tapping into that potential to maximize their...

    Example of Performance Mapping

    When one creates performance maps, the goal is to provide a meaningful learning experience that produces real business results and has a lasting effect...

    Concept of Performance Mapping

    In the recent down economy, internal training departments sometimes seemed to be the first to feel the effects of downsizing. The departments, fairly or not,...

    Correcting Performance Gap in Different Areas

    It is the responsibility of the leader to estimate the desired performance standard and compares these standards with the actual standard of the organization. In...

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