
    Meaning and Definition of Organisational Behaviour Modification

    Organizational behavior modification is also known as OB Mod in brief. It was developed from the concept of modem behaviorism, which is derived from the work of B.F. Skinner.

    The operant conditioning approach to learning is the governing concept behind OB Mod, which explains that the favorable behaviors in any organization must be reinforced.

    In other words, the implementation of reinforcement theory to people in a work environment is represented through OB Mod. The organizational effectiveness and motivation of employees can be strengthened with the help of OB Mod,

    Positive reinforcement and operant conditioning are the alternate names for behavior modification which has learning theory as its fundamental basis.

    The main focus of OB Mod is to modify the behavior of individuals rather than concentrating on group behavior modification.

    Various incentives such as money, greater responsibilities, and social recognition can be used to strengthen the desired behavior of individuals.

    In this way, it is possible to direct the behavior of organizational members towards efficient and productive endeavors along with other desired outcomes.

    Various organizations have been progressively applying this concept in their functioning.

    In behavior modification, Thorndike’s law of effect is applied. According to this law, the behavior which is considered to yield desired outcomes is likely to be repeated, and the undesired behavior resulting in negative or neutral outcomes will be withdrawn.

    Most of the trainers promote positive reinforcement and neglect negative reinforcement. As per Skinner, positive reinforcement must be promoted, and negative reinforcement must be avoided due to its perceived consequences.

    Due to the application of regulation and manipulation over individuals, organizational behavior modification is considered a debatable practice.

    It creates a platform to control the behavior of individuals and suppresses the feeling of liberty and free will.

    But in the views of Skinner, the importance of freedom cannot be neglected, and a person can experience freedom when he is able to inculcate the positive reinforcement and avoid the negative reinforcement.

    Thus, the results obtained from the implementation of this technique are certainly effective and fruitful.

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